The Uconnect System Delivers an Array of Features for the 2016 Chrysler, Jeep®, Dodge and Ram Vehicles

By August 11, 2015In The News

State of the Art Features Added to Top Vehicle Makers


It was just announced that the 2016 Chrysler, Jeep®, Dodge and Ram Truck Vehicles are getting upgrades to their technology. This upgrade comes in the form of the Uconnect system. Uconnect is making state of the art improvements to their system in each vehicle. Uconnect was voted Infotainment System of the Year by Digital Trends. Not one to rest on their laurels, the Uconnect system will have an array of amazing features added next year.

UConnect’s New features

Uconnect is already famous for its easy user interface, navigation, and always being up to date with latest information. It’s new features enhance the user experience. Take a look below.

  •     A Drag and Drop Menu: The drag and drop menu is completely customisable. Drivers can select their favorite features and drag them onto the screen. Drivers can drag and drop features like SiriusXM radio, seat options, and search engines like Yelp. Drivers can load all their favorite apps on the screen.
  •     Do not Disturb Function: Never have your phone calls are messages interrupted again. If you have to take an important call on your phone, you can set this function to reply with a text message or redirect the calls. The feature can be customised with your own response messages.
  •     Siri Eyes Free: A voice button on the steering wheel and people with an  Apple iPhone 4s and up can connect drivers with Siri. With a voice activated command, drivers can send messages, get directions, and so much more.

If you plan on buying a 2016 Chrysler, Jeep®, Dodge and Ram Truck you can look forward to getting these tech-savvy features on your Uconnect system.

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Redwater Dodge

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