Chrysler Explores Weight-Saving Alloys

By January 8, 2014In The News

Chrysler Group has partnered with the Canadian government to explore to utilize the weight-saving properties of aluminum and magnesium alloys for vehicle production with a three year $3.9 million project.

“There is no silver bullet to improve vehicle fuel economy, so Chrysler Group is actively exploring every technology that shows promise,” said Tony Mancina, Head of Chrysler Group’s Automotive Research Development Centre. “Proliferating the use of strong, lightweight materials such as aluminum and magnesium is among the most promising avenues to reduce the energy demand on vehicle powertrains. Reductions in energy demand are key contributors to improved fuel economy.”

The efforts of Chrysler, the Canadian government and corresponding universities will explore ways to improve the strength and corrosion resistance of aluminum and magnesium. Importantly, researchers will seek to align such improvements with existing casting methods, so the enhanced alloys can be integrated more readily with the vehicle production process, and with less added cost.

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